Accessed 27th August 2013
Gender stereotyping is unhelpful and counter-productive – whoever's doing it
Assuming that men are not responsible
for their actions harms them just as much as it harms women
Guardian, Friday 23
August 2013 15.45 BST
How much do the reactions of a particular and
self-selecting group to an unusual and disturbing incident tell us about our
culture generally? Photographs of a teenage girl seemingly performing a public sex act on a young man at a festival in Ireland last
weekend were published by a third party on the internet, where they were quickly
shared on social networks. Other people offered their opinions. Many condemned
the female as "disgusting", while the male not only escaped
censure but was even described as a "hero" or a
This, it is now being said, is a "typical" example of
age-old sexist double-standards, whereby women are condemned for flamboyant
expressions of their sexuality while men are admired. What rubbish.
This may be the view of an ignorant, immature and vocal minority with more
technology than sense. But otherwise, there is nothing typical about any part
of this episode, and it should not be seen as an invitation to bang on a
feminist drum any more than it should be seen as an opportunity to jeer at and
judge a young woman. Far more telling, and far more cheering, is the fact that
the mainstream media has been low-key in its reporting of the incident and its
aftermath, realising that witch-hunts are not any longer something that
responsible adults should indulge in or encourage.
It's true that a female has been subjected to vicious criticism, while, as my colleague Sarah Ditum put it
in the New Statesman, "in the world of popular sexual mores,
public oral sex is apparently seen as pretty much neutral for men". But is
that true? Am I that out of touch? My impression is that the vast majority of
men wouldn't in fact give or receive oral sex in public, wouldn't stand around
taking snaps if they saw others doing so, wouldn't put those pictures on the
internet and wouldn't go online to offer their uncharitable view on the matter.
I just don't believe that it's useful to insist that general truths about
contemporary sexual mores can be extrapolated from deliberate humiliation and
cruelty by an almost universally condemned minority.
It has been made known that the girl is deeply distressed. It's
reported that she was hospitalised and sedated and that her blood is being
tested, to see if her drink was spiked, not least because other photographs
have emerged, of sexual harassment by a group of men, in an earlier incident
that she had complained about. There is talk of designating all of the people
who shared the images, especially the Belfast
man who is accused of creating them, as publishers of child pornography, since
the girl is under 18. The suspicion is that she has been manipulated,
exploited, taken advantage of, because something made her vulnerable. Perhaps
it was alcohol, taken by her knowingly. Perhaps alcohol or drugs were given to
her without her knowledge, and with malicious intent. Either way, the man
involved is no hero. He behaved appallingly.
Yet there is no suggestion that his outrageous actions are
anything other than self-explanatory. Maybe that's right. Maybe he has no
excuse. Maybe he's pleased with himself. But the idea seems to be that he was
just doing what all men would do, given the "opportunity". He wasn't
though, was he? To suggest that he was is a grotesque caricature, insulting to
most men. Reaction to this case, unfortunately, reeks of misandry as well as
Of course, it's unfair that the man involved in the incident has
not been showered with online disapprobation – no one denies that misogynists
can express themselves online in a way that they can't in real life, and for
obvious reasons. However, he nevertheless doesn't seem to be keen to capitalise
on all of the "neutral" publicity. Instead, he is lying low. This
suggests that he either knows that his behaviour is inexcusable, or understands
at least that most people, far from seeing him as a hero or a legend, would be
disgusted by him.
Can I be so bold as to suggest the unthinkable – that he might
have regrets, might be appalled by his own behaviour, might be frightened for
the consequences that may yet come, and be miserable at home with a family who
are horrified by his appalling lapse? Maybe he was also drunk, or on drugs. Maybe
he finds the people who call him "legend" repulsive. Who knows?
There's been a distinct lack of curiosity about any of that.
Because that's the trouble with gender blaming. All misogynists
are also misandrists. All misandrists are also misogynists. Saving your
misanthropy for only one gender is just a not-so-fine distinction that leaves
you stereotyping half of all people and archetyping the other half. Elevating
individuals to archetypes may be less negative and nasty than reducing them to
stereotypes. But it's still a refusal to see people for who they are, insisting
instead that we are all identical microcosms representing all of our sex.
The type of sexual misogyny that has been meted out to this
unlucky woman has come to be known as "slut-shaming". But
slut-shaming is a prima facie example of the Janus-faced nature of
woman-hating. Slut-shaming, by implication, doesn't just unfairly and
negatively stereotype women. It portrays men as unwilling and unable to
control their sexual impulses, reliant on women to take responsibility for
policing their sexualrelationships,
therefore making them blameless when sexual acts or sexual relationships are
unsatisfying or abusive.
Anyone who indulges in "slut-shaming", somewhat
paradoxically, has an unhelpfully and unfeasibly low opinion of what should be
expected of men, and an unhelpfully and unfeasibly high opinion of what should
be expected of women. This is not to say that it isn't important to identify
and challenge this kind of reductive and biased name-calling. On the contrary,
the debate is skewed and divisive, precisely because it concentrates far too
much on exonerating all women and condemning all men. It does exactly what the
thing it professes to hate does, and insists women are always hapless victims
and men are always ruthless aggressors.
And as for the fact that women "slut-shame" too, often
with great enthusiasm? Well, that's the fault of "the patriarchy",
whose greatest triumph as an oppressor of women, as a destroyer of female
agency, seems at present to be its ability to reassure susceptible women that
men are always to blame.
There's a querulous passivity to some feminist debate; an
endless search to put misogyny up on a podium of shame, rather than just drown
it in the majority's common-sense attitude. Common sense tells us that
misogynistic people are insecure. Cultural noise – broadly feminist – tells us
that misogynistic people are powerful and dominating. But it's a bit silly
really, a bit counterproductive, telling insecure men with feelings of
inadequacy that there's this way of thinking about women that will make them
feel powerful. The worst of men – and women – sign up to active misogyny and
misandry, and they are then the people whose behaviour increasingly fuels
debate. It's a downward, negative, abject spiral, that risks always seeking
difference instead of similarity.
Common sense also tells us that public oral sex is not to be
encouraged, that public embarrassment of people who make mistakes is horrible,
that drinking or drugging yourself or others into insensibility, or taking
advantage of those who do, is vile and that young
people, male or female, sometimes behave in a confused or immature
fashion. There is no great divide in opinion between men and women on these
matters. So what on earth is the benefit to anyone of making out that there is?