Wednesday, 4 September 2013

The Most Brutal Domestic Violence Awareness Ads - copyranter - BuzzFeed Staff


The Most Brutal Domestic Violence Awareness Ads

Big-time trigger warning — disturbing images. Six TV spots and six print ads.
posted on August 13, 2013 at 12:25pm EDT
copyranter - BuzzFeed Staff

1. Via Lebanon.

Not all violence is physical.
The scars are shaped like the sound waves of the violent words — pretty shocking and effective.

2. Via The U.K.

Chilling interactive video ad via the London Metropolitan Police.
“Nearly 1 in 5 murders in London are the result of domestic violence.”
And you’re sitting there in the next flat maybe witnessing one.
The campaign was tagged simply, “You make the call. We’ll make it stop.”

3. Via the United Arab Emirates.

Sorry for the poor resolution, but here’s the copy:
“He gave me this when he proposed (right ad: “for my anniversary”).
He gave me this for nothing at all (next to the broken bones).
There’s no excuse for domestic violence. Talk to someone who cares.”
The X-ray visual schtick is used a lot in advertising.
However, this is one time where it fits perfectly.

4. Via France.

Taking the scene to a disconnected setting makes for a pretty disturbing ad.

5. Via Germany.

Beautifully shot ad that plays off the “Oh, I just feel down the stairs” response used by women too frightened to report the violence. The ad agency got two stunt women to perform some of the falls.

6. Via Singapore.

“If it happens once, it could happen again.”
Powerful visualization of the cycle of violence that often occurs.

7. Via France.

A most disturbing PSA that makes you cringe.
The sign-off line translates: “Domestic violence: To remain silent is to participate.”

8. Via the U.K.


9. Via The U.K. (starring Keira Knightley).

WARNING: very violent.
This spot was directed by Atonement director Joe Wright.
You can’t yell “cut” here.
Nice use of a famous actor.

10. Via Germany.

This interactive poster was erected at bus stops in Berlin.
An eye-tracking camera was installed in the board, so that when you looked directly at the violent scene, after a delay, the visual morphed into spousal harmony.
“It happens when nobody is watching.”
Great idea.

11. Via Serbia.

The overused photo-a-day meme gets used to a very powerful effect here.
The video is titled “One photo a day in the worst year of my life.”
The sign at the end reads:
“Help me, I do not know if I can wait for tomorrow.”
Point made, and well.

12. The United States (the most powerful domestic violence ad ever produced).

Not much else to say.
NOTE: The video is improperly named: Coalition Against Battered Women.
It should read “for.”